This is how TCP works in general to ensure delivery and close connections.For these packets to exist, we would have had connected to these servers before establishing the VPN connection.
We could see a couple of termination request packets communicating directly with our IP from Windows servers and CDN servers. It would give us all the packets that communicated elsewhere from our IP address.

To conduct this analysis, we filtered out all QUIC packets and packets with the VPN server address. It is a matter of concern, and we have informed TunnelBear support.
Although VigilantBear worked perfectly on Windows 10 on a home connection, we noticed that it did not block the Internet on a Windows 7 64-bit machine that was on a restricted Windows domain. TunnelBear's kill-switch is called VigilantBear.
The moment we tried downloading the Ubuntu ISO over BitTorrent, we noticed that TunnelBear stopped anonymizing and encrypting some of our packets. But how does it ensure that you are not using BitTorrent? Well, it does not, and you will put yourself at risk if you use BitTorrent with TunnelBear. TunnelBear mentions in its Terms clearly that it does not support BitTorrent. Moreover, TunnelBear mentions that it uses Diffie-Hellman key exchange over the tunnel to maintain perfect forward secrecy. With the stealth mode (GhostBear) turned on, we observed that TunnelBear successfully hides the TLS handshake with Obfsproxy. On the stealth mode called GhostBear, TPKT was used to send scrambled packets. When connecting without any additional security feature turned on, we observed that TunnelBear uses QUIC protocol to send encrypted data.
TunnelBear joined this anti-censorship revolution by offering free unlimited data to users in Turkey. When Turkey tried blocking VPN access, GhostBear allowed Turkish citizens access to Twitter and YouTube. TunnelBear became hugely popular during the anti-government protests in Turkey. It means you can access Netflix, Spotify, and BBC iPlayer sitting in China, or even tune in to your favorite NFL or soccer feed.

Some users have reported that TunnelBear's GhostBear feature works in China, which is great news. GhostBear is TunnelBear's stealth mode, and it is very helpful for people who want to bypass Government and ISP censorship. The VigilantBear feature blocks your Internet connection till the time TunnelBear reconnects to its server automatically after losing connection. This causes a serious privacy leak called IP leak and defeats the purpose of using a VPN service altogether. It is common for VPNs to lose connection to their servers occasionally, and this is the brief period when your Internet connection is unsecured. This protects you from a DNS leak where your actual IP ends up making a public DNS query. DNS Leak protection- Once TunnelBear connects to a server, it sends all further DNS requests over the tunnel and also encrypts them.Read more on opt-out at the consent section here. This enables you to be in control of your personal information. However, they also have an opt-out policy that lets you opt out of implied consent on any of your personal information collected by TunnelBear via.

Anony mous Payment s- TunnelBear supports anonymous payments through Bitcoin.It does not maintain a log of the websites you are visiting and anonymizes and scrambles your connection. No logging- TunnelBear does not log your originating IP address.